Posts Tagged travel


Okay, can we pause for a moment and take in how EXCITING this day has been for me?!

I applied almost two months ago to go on a semester abroad through my University in Guatemala (think: living with a host family, learning Spanish, traveling there with with a group of ~20 students from my University, etc. etc.).

Today I found out that I was accepted! I am just ecstatic, and so unbelievably excited for next January, when I’ll be going!

I know that in a matter of time (days? weeks? months?) I will start freaking out…Living with a host family? Living in a developing country? Being taught some courses by Guatemalan professors? And the organizing will cause headaches (visas, immunizations, flight plans). Additionally, this will only further complicate/provide further challenges for my already long-distance relationship (assuming I’m still in one next year!). Domestic long-distance will become international long-distance…oh, the joys of being young!

Nonetheless, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me, and I am so grateful for it! I will keep updating as things progress!

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Lovely Links

I have found some pretty cool gems this week on the interwebs, and have shared most of these links with a lot of my friends already. Feel free to leave a comment with your favourite internet find this week! Here are a few that I’ve been frequenting lately:
  • These statistics were just too interesting to not post! Do everyday twitter users have longer relationships? And does your diet have anything to do with oral sex frequency? Too cool!

Source: The Ballerina Project

  • These absolutely gorgeous photos of ballerinas in striking urban settings. I showed this to my brother’s ballerina girlfriend and she absolutely loved them.
  • Thinking about doing a big (or even small!) travel around the world, or a new place, in the near future? Check out these 6 Tips To Travel by an experienced world traveller.
  • I laughed out loud at this video! If you wished you were at Coachella last weekend, and have a similar sense of humour to me (as well as most people on the internet), check out Funny or Die’s hilarious movie on Jeff Goldblum at Coachella.
  • This post really opens your eyes to the reality of how others really see you, and how to accept this information without obsession.
  • My amazing friend back in Australia made this lovely video on youtube this week. Damien Rice + painting = chill. Check it out.

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